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American Idol 2024 Winner Finalists

American Idol Crowns 21-Year-Old Abi Carter as 2024 Winner

American Idol 2024 Finale

Abi Carter, the New Singing Sensation

After an exciting and nail-biting season, American Idol has crowned its new winner: 21-year-old Abi Carter from Indio, California. The talented musician emerged victorious after receiving the highest number of votes from the audience.

A Night of Stellar Performances

The season 22 finale was a night of unforgettable performances as the Top 3 finalists - Abi Carter, Will Moseley, and Jack Blocker - showcased their incredible vocal abilities. Before the winner was announced, season 3 champion Fantasia Barrino graced the stage with words of wisdom and encouragement for the aspiring singers.

A Deserving Victory

Abi Carter's victory is a testament to her exceptional talent, hard work, and dedication. Her powerful vocals and captivating stage presence resonated with viewers, earning her the coveted title of American Idol.


As the dust settles on another season of American Idol, we are left with a lasting impression of the indomitable spirit of these young singers. Abi Carter's victory is a reminder that anything is possible with talent, determination, and the unwavering support of an audience. American Idol continues to inspire aspiring musicians and ignite the dreams of those who believe in the power of music.
